72 Aquatics72 Aquatics
Tucson, AZ
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Try Scuba
Saturday, April 9, 2022 - Saturday, April 9, 2022
Price - US $99.00
Ever wonder how it might feel to experience weightlessness like an astronaut or wish you had the ability to breathe underwater and explore the world’s oceans?

72% of our planet is underwater, and we want to help you explore it! Begin a lifetime of fun and adventure right now! It’s your opportunity to discover the magical world of colorful fish and living reefs in crystal clear blue and warm water.

Scuba Diving is much easier than you think and the Try Scuba course will prepare you to participate in this new sport that awaits you. The course covers the basics of scuba diving and provides practice time with the scuba equipment in the pool and is available to everyone 8 and up. Dive into a whole new world. The equipment is provided and we only need your height, weight and shoe size to fit you.
Sessions/Locations:Pool Session Sat Apr 9 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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